Saturday, December 22, 2012

Releasing droidz Wheel : Turn your android device to a game wheel in seconds

Hey folks,

Yet another release and surprisingly for the mobile platform. We are glad to announce the release of our first mobile platform based app, droidZ Wheel.

This app is one of the very few that allows to convert your android device to total game wheel + extra buttons without any cost. Designed specially to increase usability, all your have to do is to download the Server/Client parts of the app and use it.


Download the App + Server
Primary Link :

On your Android:
1) droidZ Wheel app
2) Wifi

On your PC:
1) droidZ Wheel Server software
2) Java Runtime environment (It comes pre installed with most of the major operating systems)

Configuring to use

Step 1:
First turn Wifi on your PC and android device and make connection between the two. This can be done is 2 ways -
(i) Making a hotspot from your android and connecting the PC to it
(ii) Making a hotspot from your PC and connecting the android to it
Make the connection in either of the ways

Step 2:
Double click the shortcut to open the Server in the folder you downloaded (droidZ Wheel Server) and you'll find a window with several configurations. Make sure you change the values of the controls as desired for your game.

ex: the box labeled UP corresponds to the action to be done when you tilt your phone upwards
     the box labeled Right corresponds to the action to be done when you tilt your phone towards right

Due technical issues some games like Need for Speed doesnt support the Up/Down keys if you select them from the list. So please select another set of standard keys like W/S/A/D and assign them as the secondary controls in the game's configuration.

Step 3:
Now press "START" button. Now the PC is ready.

Step 4:
Install the doridZ Wheel app in your android and open the app. Press the "Connect" button and the app will automatically search for available servers and if you are properly connected with the PC will say "Server found". Then another "Connect" will appear to start the wheel.

Step 5:
Now you get into the action. You'll have a nice emulator window and by tilting the phone to UP/DOWN/RIGHT/LEFT while keeping in landscape orientation you can use it as a game wheel. (Of course run the game from your PC and use the new game wheel now :) ) and dont forget to use the Buttons.

Using the Game Wheel :


A simple mechanism is used for acceleration. Once you tilt the phone UP direction after starting game, the app continues accelerating the car even if you bring the phone to its original position. That's if you tilt your phone UP once, it will do the action equal to keep pressing the UP key of the keyboard till you apply brakes.


Tilting the phone backwards applies brake and further tilting will put to the reverse gear.


There are 2 steering options.

(1) Soft steering
This is the action equals to the quick press of an arrow key for the keyboard. To get this effect tilt the device only a few degrees to either side.

(2) Hard Steering
This is the action equals to the pressing and holding of an arrow key of the keyboard. To get device tilt the device to either side with all your might.


Those are buttons, just assign them controls from the server window first and then while you keep touching the button it will as same as holding down a key of the keyboard. i.e. the buttons work exactly as keys of the keyboard.

And that's it, your phone is now a brand new customizable game wheel!!

The product is still and BETA state so pelase put on your ideas/views/critics/bug reports to:

Thank You !

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